Whether you’ve used it at a local shop or have seen the commercials on television, Square is quickly becoming the household name in mobile credit card processing. However, as many merchants and small business owners know, Square offers shops and restaurants more than just the ability to swipe credit cards. Square Register is a full-fledged POS system that can replace the traditional style POS system for nearly any sized business. However, if you have never used a mobile POS system such as Square Register, you may have some questions about how it works.
Signing Up for Square Register
Signing up for Square Register is a remarkably easy process. Simply download the Square application from the Apple Store or the Android Market and begin the installation process. Once the application has been installed, Square will ask you to create an account using your email address and a password. Once you’ve created your account, all you need to do is configure your bank account settings so they can deposit any income you receive through their system. Once you have confirmed your bank account information, you are ready to start accepting credit cards and operating your business with the Square Register application.
Adding Items
Once you have an account with Square, you can log into the site and begin adding items and products. This can also be done through the Square Register application itself, but the dashboard on their website is a little more straight-forward and simple to use. The process of adding items is very simple and includes options like adding product photos, titles, descriptions, and prices. Once you have added your items, they will show up as “push key” options to ring up when you are using your Square Register installation.
Making Sales and Accepting Payments
Now that you have Square Register installed and configured, you can begin making sales to your customers. This process is very simple as well; you simply ring up the items and request the total from your customer. If they pay with credit card, you simply swipe the card, they sign with their finger, and your money will be deposited into your bank account on the following business day. If they pay with cash or check, the POS system will still track those sales for accurate inventory and sales totals but you just collect those forms of payment at the time of sale.
Tracking Sales and Inventory
If you have only one location or a limited amount of items for sale, you can probably handle managing your inventory without the use of a third party software, However, if you are a larger business or require the flexibility to grow on demand, there is an inventory tracking software for Square Register called Shopventory that bridges the gap between mobile POS and full-service business management. Shopventory Square register inventory tracking allows business owners to track sales data and inventory numbers across multiple stores from any device with internet access, making it the perfect companion to your Square Register system.